Have People Forgotten What Independence Day Is All About? Let Me Remind YouNew!!

Many in the united States have forgotten the pledge of our forefathers concerning their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to gain independence and govern themselves rather than stay under the oppressive hand of King George III. We’ll take a look at the Declaration of Independence in the first hour, and then in the second hour, […]

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Century of Enslavement, The History of the Federal Reserve

Source: Video by James Corbett; shared from Vocational Science of Freedom For One Hundred Twenty Years, the Unlawful Central Bank in America has been killing all of us slowly by inflation. “End the Fed” was the war cry of Occupy Wall Street. There are but two choices now under this hyperinflation. The Fed must die, […]

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LAWFARE: A Totalitarian State

Tommy Robinson, once a prominent figure in the English Defense League, in association with Urban Scoop brings to you our new documentary, which delves into the corruption and disintegration of western societies. Source: The Michelle Moore Show

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Col. Douglas Macgregor: Wrongheaded US Military Priorities

Join Judge Napolitano and Colonel Douglas McGregor as they dissect the complexities of US defense spending and global military strategy. Are we overcommitted? Source: Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

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NationalStatus.info is one year old this month! This month we celebrate the one-year milestone of the NationalStatus.info website being launched. It’s incredible to think that an entire year has passed since we started creating what we envisioned as a valuable resource for those seeking assistance, advice, and a touch of humor. As we reflect on […]

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