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Critical to understanding our present condition, we must understand our past.

Have we only been taught half truths in our education of the history of the United States of America? Are you ready to open your mind and be willing to consider that our past is not always what it has been described to us? Are you ready to learn more?

The following is an exerpt from a transcript that was prepared by Truth Comes to Light
from the video U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National) by U.S. National Guide.

See the full video here:

I’m sure you’ve wondered how the government is able to chip away at our Constitutional rights. Despite all the checks and balances our founding fathers put in. Since early 2020, that question has been asked more than ever before.

That question can only be answered with another question. Did you know that all U.S. citizens have dual citizenship?

Today, using verifiable factual information as well as decades of experience and research, you are going to discover how United States citizens unknowingly volunteered to be the property of the United States government.

More importantly, you are going to learn how to stop volunteering.

Welcome to a comprehensive guide to becoming a state citizen, commonly known as a U.S. national and mistakenly known as a non-citizen national.

Before we can begin, this is for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video is a call to action. I am not telling or suggesting anyone does anything, nor am I responsible for anyone else’s actions. I am not discussing the topic of sovereign citizens or private citizens, as I stay clear from misinformation and disinformation.

Credit must be given to Roger Sayles, the host of Radio Ranch, as most of this information is from his teachings. Roger has been so gracious as to share this with the world and to spend two hours every weekday answering people’s questions on his radio show.

Anyone who has any questions or comments on what I’ve discussed, feel free to leave a comment below [see original YouTube video to leave your comment], and if it goes beyond the scope of this video, be sure to ask Roger on his show. Also, the U.S. National Telegram group is linked down below as well. []

When the United States of America was founded, it was the only country in recorded human history, possibly other than the Roman Republic, that recognized and protected God-given, inalienable rights to freedom. The fatal flaw was the acceptance of slavery.

You will see shortly how the Civil War, which we are told ended slavery, was used to enslave all Americans. But first we must discuss what it was like to be a free American before the war.

As most know, the Constitution for the United States of America secured citizens of the states inalienable rights given by the Creator. All government and legal action had to abide by the rules set out in the Constitution and still do, including Common Law, which the founding fathers adopted from England. Common Law means that when a supreme or appellate court makes a ruling on how to interpret a law, that decision is applied across the state or country depending on the jurisdiction of that court.

Jurisdiction is another concept that is important to understand. Jurisdiction is defined as the power to make decisions. For example, the United States Supreme Court only has that power to make decisions for citizens and residents of the United States. They cannot decide what happens to a Brazilian citizen residing in Brazil.

Most who have read and understand the system of government set up by the Constitution are amazed by how just and free it is. So how is it possible that it has corrupted into the system you see today? Is this system unconstitutional?

Fortunately, it is constitutional, and that’s why the courts have allowed it to continue to play out. I say fortunately because that shows the system still works. They must abide by its rules, and that must mean that there is a way out. So let’s find out how.

In some interpretations, the Civil War was not a war over slavery like many have been led to believe. It was a war over state rights.

I’m sure some of you instantly had alarm bells ringing when I made that statement. Due to media propaganda perpetrated by the federal government (one could look into Operation Mockingbird), many immediately associate that interpretation with racism and slavery, as if the northerners were altruistic, loving people that were fed up with the racist Democrats in the south. They then spread the lie that the parties switched to explain why the Republicans are now the racist ones.

The harsh reality is that the Civil War had much less to do with slavery than we’re led to believe. Many politicians from both sides were and still are racist, and they’ve worked together to enslave all Americans regardless of skin color.

After the Civil War, the 13th and 14th Amendments were instituted. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery by stating,

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

The word ‘their’ being plural as the jurisdiction is of the several states.

Obviously, voluntary servitude is omitted. A free person would have every right to serve whatever or whomever they please. That also means that you would have to be able to stop volunteering for it to remain constitutional.

Before we discover how to stop volunteering to be the slaves of the United States government, let’s see how we were tricked into doing so in the first place.

The 14th Amendment allowed all people born in the United States to become citizens by stating,

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

There are three important things to notice in that statement.

First, this amendment is referring to a single jurisdiction, as it’s referring to the level of a singular federal government. This is distinctly different from the reference to several jurisdictions in the 13th Amendment. The importance of this will become clear shortly.

Second, it says AND subject to the jurisdiction thereof, not ARE subject to the jurisdiction thereof — meaning people can be born here or naturalized without being subject to the United States federal government’s jurisdiction.

How that can be lies in the rest of the sentence where it says,

“…citizens of the United States AND of the State wherein they reside.”

What happened here is the creation of a new class of citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment, a citizen of one of the several states was automatically a citizen of the united states of America. There was no such thing as a citizen of the United States federal government. People born in Washington, D.C., were not citizens. Again, the only status was a state citizen.

To understand this dual citizenship, let’s read some court rulings.

The ruling on Tashiro v. Jordan [201 Cal. 236 (1927)] states,
“That there is a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of a state,…”

The ruling on Kitchens v. Steele [112 F. Supp. 383] states,
”citizen of the United States, is a citizen of the federal government…”

The ruling on Gardina v. Board of Registrars of Jefferson County [160 Ala. 155; 48 So. 788 (1909)] states,
“There are then, under our republican form of government, two classes of citizens, one of the United States and one of the state.”

The ruling on U.S. v. Anthony [24 Fed. 829 (1873)] states,
“The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.”

Remember that term resident. It’ll be important later. I will use the term U.S. Citizen, Federal Citizen and 14th Amendment Citizen interchangeably, as you can now see that they are one and the same.

It is evident then that there is a federal and a state citizenship. So can someone be one without being the other?

These next court rulings will make that clear.

The ruling on McDonel v. The State [90 Ind. 320 (1883)] says,
“…he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and a voter of the State,…”

“One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States.”

The same U.S. v. Anthony case [24 Fed. Cas. 829, 830] from earlier, also stated in the ruling,
“…an individual can be a Citizen of one of the several states without being a citizen of the United States.”

Crosse v. The Bd. of Supervisors [221 A.2d 431 (1966) ruled that,
“Both before and after the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution, it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the United States in order to be a citizen of his state.”

I can hear you thinking, ‘Okay, okay, I believe you. What does it matter though? Do I want to be solely a state citizen and not a citizen of the federal government? What’s the difference?’

To answer those questions, we must read some far more interesting court rulings. This is where it gets juicy.

The ruling on Belmont v. Town of Gulfport (122 S0. 10) stated,
“Taxpayers are not State Citizens.”

U.S. v. Slater [545 Fed. Supp. 179, 182 (1982)] decided in its ruling,
“Unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability.”

Before I get into why a state citizen doesn’t have to pay taxes, you must understand the difference in the rights of a federal and state citizen.

In the Supreme Court ruling on Jones v. Temmer [89 F.Supp 1226], it was decided,
“The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead, this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government. It does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.”

You heard that right. The Bill of Rights is not protected for U.S. citizens, for 14th Amendment federal citizens.

Want more proof?

In the case of Hague v. CIO [307 US 496, 520], it was decided,
“…the first eight amendments have uniformly been held not to be protected from state action by the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment.”

In the ruling on the case of Twining v. New Jersey [211 US 78, 98-99], it was decided,
“The right to trial by jury and civil cases, guaranteed by the 7th Amendment… and the right to bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment… have been distinctly held not to be privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the 14th Amendment… and in effect the same decision was made in respect of the guarantee against prosecution except by indictment of a grand jury contained in the 5th Amendment… and in respect of the right to be confronted with witnesses contained in the 6th Amendment… it was held that the indictment, made indispensable by the 5th Amendment and trial by jury guaranteed by the 6th Amendment, were not privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, as those words were used in the 14th Amendment. We conclude, therefore, that the exemption from compulsory self-incrimination is not a privilege or immunity of National [Federal] citizenship guaranteed by this clause of the 14th Amendment.”

That is absolutely shocking. What rights do U.S. Citizens have then?

Well, the Supreme Court ruling on U.S. v. Valentine [288 F. Supp 957] will tell us. It states,
“The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States.”

That’s it. That is the one right of a United States citizen. All else is a privilege that can be taken away at any time.

It’s starting to make sense how they’re able to do all that we are seeing happen in the world, how they can punish us for victimless crimes and tax us on everything we own.

What has happened here is that we’ve switched from the jurisdiction of constitutional law to the jurisdiction of commercial law, the law of merchants.

Shortly after the passing of the 14th Amendment, the United States incorporated. When you hear United States, that is the corporation. When you hear united states of America, that is the original country.

Notice that the words united and states are not capitalized because they are describing the states rather than referring to a specific entity because the jurisdiction was of multiple states.

More capitalization is often a sign of corporate jurisdiction, as that is a single entity. It’s a proper noun.

They also created this change on a state level. All the state governments, like California state, for example, were incorporated, and this time they began with an uppercase S for State of, like in State of California, as opposed to California state, where the state was lowercase.

I bet you didn’t know that the State of California is not based in Sacramento, like California state was. The State of California is based in Washington, DC, along with all other 49 ‘state of’ governments.

The original governments are still there. They are just overlaid by this corporation.

All the original government positions still exist. They are just empty.

After creating these changes, the United States gave the former slaves US citizenship, which guaranteed them civil rights rather than constitutional rights.

As you’ve seen, there is only one absolute right US citizens have access to, the rest are privileges. All civil rights are privileges. They slowly made every new child a federal citizen through their birth certificates until every state citizen was also a federal citizen.

You just saw with the names of the states and country that the capital letters are often a sign of the corporate entity.

Ever wondered why names are in all capital letters on a birth certificate, a driver’s license or a social security number?

So why would the government want to make everyone a United States Citizen as well? Let’s read the last two court cases for the answer.

In the ruling on Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox [298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773], it was stated,
“Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity.”

In the ruling on Hendrick v. Maryland [S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)], it was decided,
“A ‘US Citizen’ upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in ‘interstate commerce,’ as a ‘resident’ does not have the common law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.”

You heard that right, U.S. citizens are property and if they’re outside of DC, that property is in interstate commerce.

Of course, it’s all about power and money. They can do just about whatever they want to U.S. citizens other than infringe on their sole right to residing here.

You’ve probably heard the statement, property can’t own property. That’s why they can tax U.S. citizens on all their income and property. They don’t really own it. Taxes are like their rent and interest.

That sure gives them a lot of money, as does all the debt they’ve built up.

I’m sure you’ve wondered who the government is $30 trillion in debt to. Some of you know it’s the Federal Reserve Bank, which truly isn’t a government agency.

What sort of bank gives out loans without collateral? Well, it turns out, U.S. citizens, since they are property, are the collateral.

That is why our birth certificates look like warehouse receipts. That is why our birth certificates and our driver’s licenses and our social security cards all have bonds against them.

If a state citizen is having a child, it is highly recommended to not sign their birth certificate and establish their nationality in other ways. But I’m getting way ahead of myself.

How could someone who is already a U.S. citizen get out of this? Can people reclaim the rights and stop paying taxes?

I said it’s constitutional, so people must be able to just stop volunteering, right? Well that’s right.

But to understand how you can get out, how anyone could get out, you must understand the three statuses that exist in this country and be wary of enormous mistakes some people have made.

They’ve done their best to make this as tricky and confusing as possible and to take that further, they had to add in a third status and change the name of the original one.

With the Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA, what used to be called a state citizen or a citizen of the united states of America was covered up by the term U.S. National. I will use these three terms interchangeably, State Citizen, Citizen of the United States of America and U.S. National.

You’ve seen now that one can be a state citizen or U.S. National without being a U.S. Citizen, or one can be both a U.S. National and a U.S. Citizen. This and the third status was further described in the INA as referenced on the Department of State website in this article titled “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality”, the link to which is in the description below.

The next paragraph states,

“As defined by the INA, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals but only a relatively small number of persons acquire U.S. nationality without becoming U.S. citizens.”

This further confirms that one can be a U.S. national, which was previously referred to as a state citizen, without being a U.S. citizen. The third status is a non-citizen national, which this article explains. Such a person is not a citizen of one of the united states of America or of the United States Federal Corporation, yet is still considered a national. Currently, the only such people are the people of American Samoa and Swains Island. By not giving these people birthright citizenship, the government was able to claim that U.S. nationality only exists to preserve these indigenous cultures.

We all know how much the government cares about indigenous cultures here in America. This is so important to them that when the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah ruled in 2020 that American Samoans should be given U.S. citizenship by birthright, both the United States Federal Government and the American Samoan government contested the ruling within 24 hours. You can check the description for an article on where that case went.

Using this third status to hide the original citizenship not only worked, as people believed that a national is an American Samoan, it also caused some problems for people attempting to become U.S. nationals. Some people mistakenly revoked both of their citizenships and chose to become a non-citizen national. By doing so, they lost their chance to reclaim their constitutional rights and had to either leave the country, go to American Samoa or apply for nationalization.

These are likely the horror stories you may have heard about becoming a national. The words we use are very important. I advise avoiding making the mistake of giving up all citizenship.

Now that that’s clear, I can discuss the ways people have continued to affirm the false presumption that was assigned to them at birth that they are U.S. citizens.

The main way they’ve done this is by asking specific questions anytime U.S. Citizens have gone to court, wanted a driver’s license, started a bank account, etc.

The first of which is: Are you a U.S. citizen?
Which we now know means are you a former slave claiming civil rights or a state citizen giving up their constitutional rights to claim civil rights? Phrased like that, I’m sure just about everyone would answer no.

When asked if they are a citizen, a U.S. national would say, ‘of the united states of America’, as they are still a citizen of the united states of America. They are just no longer a citizen of the United States incorporated.

The second question often asked is: Are you a resident?
This is another word game. Most, normally would think, resident is a geographical term, that it’s about where you reside. In this context though, it has a different meaning.

A resident was a term created to give the federal government jurisdiction over the former slaves in order to protect them from their state by having them just be residents in that state. So now we see that the question means are you residing in one of the several states and seeking the federal government’s protection from that state? Phrased like that, again, almost no one would answer yes to that question.

So when asked where they are a resident of, a U.S. national would avoid using the term ‘resident’ altogether, or ‘reside’ altogether, and say something along the lines of, ‘I’m currently living in this state or on this state’.

Another trick they use is asking you if you are ‘that person’ or ‘a person’. [Are you that/a/the person…?] This is mostly used in court cases.

Obviously you are a person and you will get in a lot of trouble if you say you are not because you are. But in this case, this is a legal term referring to United States property.

A U.S. national would say, I am not THAT person. The words we use are very important. You must know their word games to stop playing their game. The common definition to words are very different to those they use, which are found in Black’s Law Dictionary.

If you are choosing to get a copy of Black’s Law Dictionary, I highly recommend one of the first four versions, as a lot of the definitions have been altered in later versions.

By setting this system up like this, they have convinced people to agree to giving up their rights and becoming property by choosing U.S. Citizenship over their state citizenship.


See the video this transcript was written from in our History courses.

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