
Do not proceed with this process until you have submitted your Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence, mailed your Notices, and received your new Passport. These methods are not associated with the National Status teachings of Roger Sayles. If you decide to proceed with any processes discussed on these pages, you do so at your own risk.

What is a land patent?

A land patent is the conclusive evidence of the right, title and interest in a particular track of land granted to a private party by and from the united states government. In addition to the granting of the land to the grantee, he also receives all of the Authority and Jurisdiction relating to that land. This is what is called a TRUE TITLE!
Source: Ron Gibson

Did you know that you can’t own land if you are a U.S. citizen. Look at your warranty deed; you’re only a tenant. You must bring your original land patent forward in your name and have it recorded. But before you start the land patent process, you must complete the first three steps in The Remedy section of this site.

A patent for land is the highest evidence of title and is conclusive as evidence even against the Government and all others claiming under junior patents or titles (Warranty Deed), etc. United States v. Stone, 2 US 525, is hereby noticed and has been maintained as against a municipal corporation (County), Beadle v. Smyser, 209 US 393.

Land patents began in America before the Revolutionary War. At the end of that war, negotiations were conducted to stop investing in war and instead return to peace, trade, and commerce. Several treaties were reached between the People, the British Crown and the Pope in Rome . Our sovereign land and our sovereign rights were acknowledged and protected in the settlements, and from there the Constitutions were constructed. When the land was granted to the people of this country , it was all described accurately by metes and bounds on an allodial title called a land patent. These land patents were issued under the authority of international treaty law then managed and protected by the Constitutions, which means that land patents are contracts under a very high lawful authority, much higher than that of real estate or real property. The land patents also include the infamous “for ever clause”: “…to the heirs and assigns forever.

With land patents being a true title (not a warranty deed or certificate of title) that includes a forever clause, the founders intended these land patents for you because they assured that even the poorest farmer could not be separated from their land by bankers, politicians, or attorneys.

Bringing a land patent claim forward successfully requires researching the abstracts of title; making a claim, and bringing the title forward minus any exclusions (i.e., easements).

Update and record your Land Patent in the “Great Book” at the County Recorder’s office. Because bringing forth the true title is pursuant to the Common law, you must be a national to claim the rights and title to land. This is distinct from any actions relating to the equitable title and any liens or encumbrances attached thereto.

At this point, you should have completed the Steps to Freedom outlined on The Remedy page. We do not recommend that you begin your land patent process unless you are a national.

The step-by-step process is definitely something that anyone could do; it just takes a bit of time to research the chain of title and to collect the certified copies.

The patent is prima facie conclusive evidence of title, Marsh v. Brooks, 49 US 223, 224

A patent for land is the highest evidence of title and is conclusive as evidence even against the Government and all others claiming under junior patents or titles (Warranty Deed), etc. United States v. Stone, 2 US 525. Estoppel is hereby noticed and has been maintained as against a municipal corporation (county), Beadlev. Smyser, 209 US 393.

Ron Gibson has a proven track record of assisting property owners in obtaining land patents for over 50 years. The crucial first step is correcting your political status to national (not state national), which many people overlook. As a U.S. citizen (considered a slave), you are unable to take action as you are owned by the government. By submitting a simple affidavit to the secretary of state, you can reclaim your freedom. Once your status is corrected, you can remove yourself from the tax system and secure your land patent, allowing you to truly own your land and reap its benefits.

Ron Gibson was introduced during an Austin Meeting Q&A Updates call.

This is an interview with James White of Northwest Liberty News and Ron Gibson.

What you need to know about Land Patents
Learn from real experience.

In 179 pages of Ron Gibson’s popular book, Ron condenses 50 years of his land patent career experience in order to teach AMG members, and others just what they need to know about land patents bringing a land patent claim forward lawfully, effectively, and historically accurate. He also shows where you can find support for land patents in supreme court cases, federal and state statutes, and offers insights into defending and enforcing a land patent claim.

Ron Gibson is unsurpassed as a land patent historian, with over 50 years experience in land patents, water rights, right of way, and property rights. As a constitutional scholar, and expert witness, teacher, defender, enforcer, and assistance provider, it is no wonder that he is considered by many as a national treasure.

You can purchase Ron’s book by writing to him at landpatents@outlook.com or through his seminars.

Ron condenses 50 years of his land patent career experience in order to teach American Meeting Group members and others just what they need to know about property taxes, matters that are historically accurate, and accurate as matters of law.

You can attend Ron’s LAND PATENT SEMINAR or hire him and his team to complete your land patent for you. Just visit this website to register for a seminar, purchase his books, or hire his team.



Ron’s events are NOT political.
They are just foundational American heritage and history.


“A Warranty Deed is not a Title to your land and never will be. A Warranty Deed represents a possessory interest, and equitable position. If you look closely, you may be surprised to discover you’re listed as a tenant. The only Title to your land is a Land Patent, which finally makes you the true land owner with the unalienable rights protected by the Constitutions.” – Ron Gibson

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