STEP ONE: The Affidavit


This is the first step; your affidavit with a cover letter must be mailed to the U.S. Secretary of State BEFORE you move on to the next steps in The Remedy.

Completing and mailing your cover letter and affidavit is the most critical step in reclaiming your status as a national.

Now we understand that we have been born into a political condition of voluntary servitude known as U.S. citizenship. With our new understanding of their system, the only action necessary to officially remove yourself is to volunteer out of the condition. This is accomplished by submitting an affidavit to the U.S. Department of State.

The direction for this is stated, albeit in a totally threatening and intimidating manner, in the WARNING box alert in the passport application. This warning box on page 4 of the instructions for the application, which includes the statement “you can submit documents, including affidavits,” is the means for you to volunteer out. It is found in both the original and renewal applications for passports. HOWEVER, you do NOT need to obtain a U.S. passport to exercise your right to officially change your political status to national.

The answer is in the passport application, but obtaining a passport is not needed to exercise your right to officially correct your political status to a national. Attaining a new or renewed passport is another section of this process and is important to complete, but first complete your affidavit and its cover letter and send them to the U.S. Department of State.

Later, you’ll include a copy of this cover letter and affidavit with your passport application in Step 3: Passports. In fact, your affidavit will be a part of many aspects of your journey to freedom. So complete this first.

Declare your freedom with the Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence!

” I _____ being duly sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States.”

One of the most common ways government and corporate institutions rob, cheat, and control us is with something called “default contracts.” Through our “silence,” they presume authority to own us, our property, our wealth, and our privacy. Sadly, our courts and statutes actually support this due to some odd contents of the Uniform Commercial Code. This video demonstrates one way to remedy those unintended “obligations.”

This video was not produced by legal experts or professional advisers; it is a layman’s opinion intended only to provoke thought. Use these principles at your own risk.

If the video doesn’t load for you, try this link.

The affidavit consists essentially of two statements in the form of two simple paragraphs.

First Paragraph
The first paragraph applies to your political status. It is essentially an augmented version of a one-sentence statement that comes directly from the Department of State policy in a document found on the State Department’s own web site: Citizen-Nationality.html

This statement, rebutting the presumption of law that is operating unseen, is all that is needed to officially switch your political status from a U.S. citizen to a national. Instead of long statements or quoting court cases, this statement is all that is required. When this declaration is put into affidavit form, signed under penalty of perjury, it cannot be overcome except with another affidavit, signed under penalty of perjury, contradicting your stated facts. They not only cannot but will never do this, as it will expose them as tyrants.

Second Paragraph
The second paragraph is focused on the Internal Revenue Service and puts them on notice. This statement in an affidavit connects the definition of a national to the IRS-recognized definition of a nonresident alien in that a national is nonresident to the jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment and the national status is alien to the federal status. Their jurisdictional statement in the IRS code at 26 C.F.R. 1.1-1(a) relieves a nonresident alien of any federal tax obligations other than those stated in two obscure sections where a nonresident alien may work for the federal government directly or work with the geographical area of the District of Columbia.

These sample documents are for educational purposes only. Use them as a guide, or write your own. We do not offer legal advice. The verbiage comes from the Department of State website mentioned above.


One thing to remember when writing a letter to elected officials is that if a person has a title, use it correctly. They will be more interested in what you have to say. For details on how to properly address letters to the Secretary of State, visit this website:

Click to View/Download Sample Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence

Draft a short and concise cover letter and include it with your affidavit addressed to the U.S. Department of State.

Click to View/Download Sample Cover Letter for Affidavit

Print at least 5 copies of your affidavit and have them all notarized.

You will need originals for your passport application and IRS notice, and keep at least one for your files. Then make about 10 copies of the notarized affidavit for sending your notices in the next step.

Please remember that it’s YOUR affidavit, you can add anything you want (bible scripture, statutes, etc.) There is no set way to write YOUR affidavit. The only thing we suggest is that you try to keep it to one page.

To help write your affidavit quickly, we have an Affidavit Package Builder that has all the appropriate content. You can easily get yours completed and then modify it with whatever information you want in it. The form only requires a mailing date, your name, and an email address. We will email it to you with a link for editing the PDF.

Complete this form to build your affidavit package. Your entries are not stored on our servers, so if you make a mistake, you will have to start the form all over. Please review our Privacy Policy.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
This is the date you will mail your affidavit.
If you have the certified mail number from the green card, enter it here or write it in before you mail your package.
Your Full Name
Enter your full legal name.
This is where your affidavit package will be emailed.
This is for identification and will be displayed on both your cover letter and affidavit. You may enter your full social security number, or x’s, and only the last 4 numbers, or you can leave this field blank and edit it later.
Leave this field blank if you don’t have a passport.
Date of Birth
Data Storage
Affidavit for minor’s
  • Signing the affidavit for your minor children:
    • Each of your minor children will need their own affidavit, completed and signed by a parent, with the relationship stated next to the parent’s printed name. Just use For: and the child’s name. By: the parent’s name and relationship. It is critical to include the mother’s and/or father’s names.

Complete this form to build an affidavit package for your minor children; you will need one for each child. Please review our Privacy Policy.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
This is the date you will mail your affidavit.
If you have the certified mail number from the green card, enter it here. Or you can write it before you mail the package.
Child's Full Name
Enter your child’s full legal name.
Parent's Name
Enter your full name.
Enter your relationship with the child.
This is where the affidavit package will be emailed.
This is for identification and will be displayed on both your cover letter and affidavit. You may enter the full social security number, or x’s and only the last 4 digits, or leave it blank. The email you will receive with the affidavit attached will have a link to a tool that will allow you to edit your documents.
Enter the child’s place of birth.
Date of Birth
Select the child’s date of birth.
Data Storage

If you prefer to write your children’s affidavits offline, we’ve made samples available for you to follow. These samples will help you with the content and layout of your child’s affidavit. Just download and use as a guide.

Click to view and download.
Click to view and download.

Mail one notarized affidavit and signed cover letter to the Department of State, “Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.” Do not staple your documents; use a paperclip.

The Honorable Antony Blinken
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW

Washington, DC 20520

You should receive the certified mail receipt card around three weeks later, with the signature of the person who signed for it at the Department of State. Be sure to save this receipt. But if you don’t receive it, don’t worry; sometimes the cards get lost in the mailing process, and you still have your copy that shows the date mailed.

  • For more information on the proper way to address your envelope to the Secretary of State, visit this page:
  • We also strongly suggest that you always use the option of Return Receipt Requested on the green post office form.
  • Don’t sign your affidavit until you are in front of the notary.
  • Remember to write your address on the back of the green card when preparing it for mailing. You won’t get it back if you forget to write your address.
  • When the green receipt is returned, you will have proof and verification of mailing, as well as the State Department receipt of your submitted citizenship evidence and change in political status to national.
  • Here’s a short video that explains how to use the certified mailing process:
Click to view/download
  • Take a look at the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, 26 CFR 1.1-1(a)
  • In U.S.C. 28, Section 1746, there are two jurats, or penalty of perjury statements. One is titled “without,” and the other is “within.” It is suggested that you use the “without” jurat. Which is, if executed without the United States: “I declare (certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). If you want to take the time to look, you will see the “within” jurat leaves off “of America.”.
  • Your notarized Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence is now established as court testimony, which is what an affidavit is legally.
  • Another advantage we currently possess is that over many years we have been able to greatly simplify and expedite the process of learning the basic facts and confidence needed to defend a decision to change your political status back to what the older law cases refer to as “state citizenship.” Now, that status has had the naming label changed to national by the historical slavers in their latest accomplishment of enslaving the masses through trickery, fraud, and Pavlovian conditioning.
  • Because you are not paying for or receiving a U.S. passport when submitting your affidavit of citizenship evidence and cover letter, you will have no official ID sent to you that indicates your new political status as a national. In this case, you may want additional documentation verifying your declaration as well as the mailing of the document. If you need an additional piece of mind, have the notary do an additional affidavit of their own, stating what your notarized document states and that the notary witnessed you putting it into a mailing envelope with RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. With the number from the green form noted,.

What happens once you file your affidavit? 

You free yourself from the administrative state (approximately 600 agencies), but everything continues to move along the same; the only thing that changes is YOU, by educating yourself and learning how to live privately.

What is the status that we will be known by?

National; no other adjectives.

How does your life change after becoming a national?

When you file your affidavit, the world doesn’t change; you’ve got to be the change. And the way you change is by learning the information and having a firm grasp on how to protect your status. That allows you to be empowered. That allows you to be a belligerent claimant. That allows you to explain it to others. It also gives you the knowledge that when the current system fails and people are looking for answers for rebuilding, you’re the one they will come to. Another way it changes your life is that we say no to codes and man-made laws.

Do I need to hire an attorney to write my affidavit?

No, attorneys are probably not even aware of the national status and would not be familiar with this process.

All that is needed is for you to submit your affidavit of citizenship evidence to the U.S. Secretary of State. We recommend that you follow the first three steps to complete the process. (affidavit, notices, and renews your passport). We offer free courses in the National Status Academy that will explain the complete process and concepts.

What can I put on the passport number line if I don’t have a passport?

The passport number just represents the ID type that the U.S. Department of State could use to properly identify you. If you don’t have a current passport, any official identification can be used, or the last 4 digits of your social security number. Any government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, military ID, or state ID, will also work.

Is it important to file an affidavit for our children?

Yes, your children also need an affidavit filed. If they do not have one filed, they will be at risk as a US citizen. They could be at risk in schools, hospitals, and doctor offices. Also, in public areas, CPS is imposing its overreach. As a national, those agencies would be exceeding their jurisdiction; for example, a 12-year-old being able to consent for themselves without mom/dad consent.

Example for a child’s affidavit signature section.

The “Build your child’s affidavit” section above is a form that will write an affidavit for your child with the proper signature section.

Can I serve on jury duty if I am a national?

No, when you show them your affidavit, they will not allow you to serve.

Am I protected from the draft if I am a national?

Yes, they can only make those types of dictates to someone who is a U.S. citizen. It is a wise idea to get your affidavit of citizenship evidence mailed to the Secretary of State as soon as you possibly can.

Why a one-page affidavit?

A simple one-page affidavit doesn’t give them much room for objections. Keeping it as simple as you can is always a good idea.

When I send in my Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence, do I sign like I have my whole life (First, Middle, Last) or do I sign (Last: First-Middle)?

Signing the way you have always signed legal documents should suffice. But you can sign any way you would like, as long as the notary identifies you correctly.

Now that you have completed and mailed your affidavit, you are officially a national, but you won’t receive an official certificate from the Department of State acknowledging your new status. So, we designed a beautiful certificate that you can download, print, and display in your home. This is not an official certificate from any government agency. It’s a gift from us here at to celebrate your freedom as a national.

If you’d like to receive your National Status Certificate, just complete the short form below, and we’ll email it to you.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter your name exactly how you would like it to appear on your certificate.
Where would you like to receive your certificate?
Date You Mailed Your Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence


That’s it; that’s all it takes to exercise your right to officially correct your political status to a national! You can stop here and do nothing else. We recommend that you at least follow through with Step Two: Notices and Step Three: Passport, but it’s your choice.

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6 thoughts on “The Affidavit

  1. JoeM says:

    I just sent out my affidavit.
    I’m now just a national!!
    Thanks so much for having this website.
    Appreciate y’all!

    1. Admin says:

      That’s awesome! Congratulations Joe! We have a gift for you on the Affidavit page. Go to the last gray bar and claim your national certificate. Of course it’s not an official certificate, but it’s our version. =)

  2. Stewart Utter says:

    On the affidavit sample there is the affiant line to sign on and below that there is a line for passport number. The whole reason I am doing this is to get the passport. I don’t have a passport number. What would one put in place of passport number if one does not have a current passport number?

    1. David says:

      Hello Stewart,
      Thank you for your question.The passport number just represents the ID type that the U.S. Department of State could use to properly identify you. If you don’t have a current passport, any official identification can be used, or the last 4 digits of your social security number. Any government issued ID such as a drivers license, military ID or state ID will also work.

  3. jsma0342 says:

    If I was born in Michigan and now Live in Tennessee. When submitting this should I submit to my current state that I am a resident of?

    1. David says:

      Hello jsma0342,
      Thank you for your question.
      Your initial affidavit to declare your national status goes to the U.S. Department of State. Your notices go to the various agencies that you may have to interact with in the future. Your list of agencies that you can notice is really at your discretion and you may decide to notice agencies in another state where you recently lived. Take a look at The Remedy section to review the steps for your affidavit and notices. Take care and welcome.

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