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The anti government handbook

Doing some afternoon research and found this document. Quite a catchy title. Has some interesting history from the governments prospective. 

I am currently about 20 pages in. I think overall it speaks to the concerns and worries of corrupt government bodies. 

I am sure this is required reading for judges and Prosecutors in Missouri 2nd most JURISDICTIONALLY corrupted county. Clay County Missouri. 

it seems in what i have read sofar the document fails to convey that we the people are the government and at anytime we can replace a corrupt government. 

Anyway a interesting read nevertheless. 


Admin, David and George have reacted to this post.

Very interesting,  will have to check it out. Maybe we should share it on the site. 

David, George and Jon In Missouri have reacted to this post.
DavidGeorgeJon In Missouri
National Status Admin
Quote from Admin on August 31, 2024, 5:10 pm

Very interesting,  will have to check it out. Maybe we should share it on the site. 

It would be a honor to have contributed to your outstanding website.  

Admin and George have reacted to this post.

Looks like the fbi and southern poverty law center are up to thier bs. Found this article and was shocked how it smells of jewerys minds. See for yourself. Disgusting.

What to know about American State Nationals: The newest group of sovereign citizens

Understanding the behavior and ideology of sovereign citizens is crucial for ensuring the safety of law enforcement officers, especially during traffic stops

Admin, David and George have reacted to this post.

Yes, it is disgusting. They wrap nationals in the BS of the "sovereign citizen" crap. The average "Joe" and most law enforcement do not understand the "national" status. When discussing this topic correctly, it is best to use the simple, statutory term of "national." There is no mention of "national" in the article. What's also interesting in this article is the use of the term "American State National," which is also a non-statutory term made up by so-called pay-triots. 

So, in summary, when readers of this article hear the term "national," they assume it is synonomous with a sovereign citizen or an American state national. The sovereign citizen title is merely a made-up, non-statutory term designed to create a negative connotation of patriotic American.

I actually emailed the author to explain what a national is and shared a link to this website. And of course I never got a response.

Admin and George have reacted to this post.

Yeah, I saw that article too. Those writers don't dig very deep. Just mockingbirds, not real journalists. 

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