You have been tricked into volunteering into voluntary servitude.

This is deliberately set up to be a very intentionally confusing set of circumstances. We will show you some of the inconsistencies and outright intentional misdirection’s foisted upon an unsuspecting public and mostly trusting, American people.

The first three words of the 14th Amendment, “All persons born”, are being used to force a fraud upon every child born in the U.S. The fraud is that they are born into the feudal system. How can they make this leap? Having a political status assigned at birth only comes from one system of law in the history of the world. That is the FEUDAL SYSTEM. The other world system assigns your political status from the nationality of your parents, not where you were born.

The rest of your entire life they ask the leading questions to get your consent to the fraud perpetrated by assigning you Feudal Serf status because of where you are born. This is identified as “birthright citizenship” by the Feudal Slavers who run and control our federal government. This is their tap root of power, your consent!

Why would they do this?

WHY? Because in the feudal system you are property of the Lord of the Manor. As property, they can make man-made laws for you. The slavers then use the Administrative State to control you by using those man-made laws and regulations made by bureaucrats. Second, as property you can now be collateralized and securitized, your future labor is pledged as the basis of our entire world’s reserve currency monetary system!

Bond is the root word of bondage

As property, you are the basis for U.S. Bonds. Your future labor, via income tax, is used to pay the bond holders! This Satanic, hidden, voluntary servitude system, went into effect on March 9, 1933, when the monetary system changed from gold to fiat paper with you as the collateral.

How would you like to instantly shed every federal agency’s jurisdiction, including IRS from your life? There is a very easy and inexpensive remedy. You officially declare which status you chose to be. They can NOT say no! Why? Because your personal political status is yours to decide, not theirs. If so, it is open tyranny! Why do you think they keep asking you those two intentional leading questions?

  1. Are you a U.S. Citizen?
  2. Are you a Resident?

There is a very simple legal & lawful remedy available. All you have to do is officially volunteer out! It’s your choice and they can NOT do anything about it.

Revelation 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive any of her plagues;
Revelation 18:11 “And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo any more— 12 cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; every kind of citron wood, every article of ivory, and every article made from very valuable wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13 cinnamon, spice, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, and cargo of horses, carriages, slaves, and human lives., New American Standard Bible
They can not buy and sell you unless they own you! Visit The Remedy section of this website and get started removing yourself from their system.

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