How did it happen?

We must understand how we got to the point of believing that we must pay federal income tax and that it would be impossible for our country to operate without it.

To provide context to our current condition with the U.S. federal tax system, below is a summary that led up to its creation.

After the Civil War the 14th amendment was ratified to the constitution. With the 14th amendment came the consequential creation of the U.S. Citizenship political status. Unknown to most, with the ratification of the 14th amendment and with some initial revenue raising measures by President Lincoln, the foundation was now in place to create a tax system for those under this new political status.

Years later, in 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified and it granted Congress the authority to issue an income tax and was based on the original taxing measure put forth by President Lincoln in 1862.. Thus, the newly created U.S. Citizens were now “obligated” to be taxed. Also in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law for the purpose of controlling money and currency. Shortly after that, in the early 1920’s birth certificates were created to be used as the instrument to represent the monetization of all newly born, 14th amendment-created U.S. Citizens. You’ll soon learn how the tax system and the newly created birth certificates are connected. But first, more on the birth certificate.

Simply put, the birth certificate was and is currently used as a document, not unlike a warehouse receipt, that is designated a value based on the future prospective productivity of each newly born U.S. Citizen. Once monetized, the value of the individual, represented by the birth certificate, is used to create and monetize bonds that can then be traded on the worldwide bond market. These bonds, and the profits generated by trading them, are used to run all aspects of the United States and the International Monetary Fund. Federal taxes are not for operating and funding the U.S. administrative government or funding infrastructure. Recently, it was reported that the combined value of the bond market was approximately 133 trillion dollars. To put that into context, all gold that has ever been mined is only approximately 13 trillion dollars. As far fetched as this may seem, the use of our future productivity and the birth certificate to represent the surety for the created bonds has occurred since the early 1920’s. Prior to that time, a birth was recorded in the family’s bible.

The next critical event that occurred that led to a federal tax system was the nationwide bankruptcy in 1933 in the bond market. This bankruptcy was an artificially created event to to establish further control over the American people. Later, the Internal Revenue Service was created for the purpose of the collection of taxes and enforcement of tax codes. The dissemination of taxes collected by the IRS will be discussed later in this article.

Most likely and intentionally, very little of this history in this context was ever taught to us in our education or explained to the American people. It would have been especially important for our parents and previous generations of parents to understand that their babies were being monetized, before they agreed to sign off on the birth certificates. Even today, most parents that have a newborn, sign off complacently on the birth certificate without this understanding and with no questions asked.

We should all be outraged that this occurred fraudulently and with our knowledge. The value of our lifetime productivity was predetermined and used without our knowledge. This has been occurring since 1921 when birth certificates became the instruments to represent this value and used to create bonds. These bonds are still used to generate vast amounts of revenue for the U.S. federal government and the International Monetary Fund. These fraudulently created funds are used for purposes in which we have no input or control over, despite being generated by our own future productivity. Worst of all we have, and for generations before us, given our approval and acceptance of this throughout our lives, without the government providing full disclosure of what we’re agreeing to. They hope we won’t research this and discover what has and is occurring and they are very skilled at hiding it from us. It is upsetting to realize that we are just tools to generate revenue and surety through the creation of bonds to be sold and traded. This is could quite easily be considered human trafficking. We are not truly free as we’ve been made to believe our entire lives.

So you may ask, what does all of this have to do with the IRS and paying taxes. The IRS was created, in essence, as the means to pay the interest on the bonds we’ve discussed previously. You may or may not know, but the taxes that you voluntarily submit to the IRS are distributed in three ways. One third is dedicated to the overhead costs to operate the IRS. One third is uncollectible and the remaining one third pays the bond holders the interest for the bonds. How ironic that taxes are paid by the same Americans to pay the interest on bonds that were created by the monetization and surety of those same Americans when they’re born. It will make your head spin. Thus, we have come full circle to the origin and purpose of the birth certificate and how it relates to the origins and purpose of federal taxes.

In summary, you may be shocked, angry, or just confused. Most likely this history is quite unbelievable to you, but this is the same situation and condition most Americans are in today. The intention of the U.S. federal government is to keep us confused and uneducated to this history, what is occurring now and the truth about taxes. In fact, to this day, most government forms ask you whether you’re a U.S. Citizen and a Resident and you happily, subserviently, and without question answer in the affirmative. With this , you’re essentially agreeing to pay taxes that you perceive as a duty and as a part of your allegiance to the U.S. federal government. So what can you do about it?

Becoming a national and simultaneously becoming a nonresident alien, is your opportunity to take some of the freedom back that has been stolen from you and your family before you. In addition to gaining true freedom, you’ll have the ability to no longer be under the federal tax system, and thus, no requirement to pay federal income taxes. It’s up to you. Take the next steps.

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2 thoughts on “How did it happen?

  1. Dan E. says:

    Found a typo “…was the nationwide bankruptcy in 1993 in the bond market.” Should be 1933.

    1. Admin says:

      Thanks Dan, that was a good catch!

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