How to escape the matrix and repatriate

The following is meant to show you, with facts, how you have been skillfully deceived. It is designed to make you start asking questions! Lots of questions, serious questions. Remember, there are no contradictions.

The 13th Amendment: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

  1. Slavery and non involuntary servitude are expressly prohibited. What about the concept called “legal by omission”? Do you see that voluntary servitude is omitted and therefore both legal and lawful.
  2. Notice the last phrase, “THEIR jurisdiction.” This is the states, in plural, stated.

The 14 Amendment, 1st Clause: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” This is the origin of the “Constitutional rights” you hear virtually everyone refer to. We were bestowed with “God Given Rights”, protected by the Constitution! “God Given Rights” and “civil rights” are mutually exclusive.

“Civil rights”, under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment, are not “God Given Rights”, therefore do not receive constitutional protections! These Satanist Slavers have used the black man to enslave us all!

  1. There are 8 legal land mines in that sentence. Attempting to expose the fraud with as little confusion as possible we are going to concentrate only on one word, “and.”
  2. The 14th Amendment DOES NOT SAY:
    • All persons born or naturalized in the United States, ARE subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
    • Obviously it does NOT use the definitive word “ARE.” If some “are” subject to the jurisdiction thereof, there has to be some who “are NOT” subject to the openly stated singular jurisdiction.
  3. Notice the 13th Amendment is plural and the following 14th Amendment is singular, “the jurisdiction thereof.” Do you see the transition to the two tier form of government?

THE TWO QUESTIONS: You have been asked these two important questions your entire adult life:

  1. “Are you a citizen of the United States?”
  2. “Are you a resident?”

To rephrase these two questions the way they are intended from a legal, not a colloquial context:

  1. Are you related to Negro slaves who were assigned federal citizenship with civil rights following the Civil War?
  2. Are you residing in a state requesting protection from the federal government against any actions of your state?

You have probably answered those questions your entire life, “YES”, not knowing exactly what they were asking you. If those questions were rephrased correctly would you have EVER answered YES? These two questions are not the jurisdiction nexus, that nexus was from birth.

Look at the 13 Amendment above, “voluntary servitude” is legal by omission. By answering YES to those questions you have given the federal government your consent! The one element absolutely required for the takeover and control of the U.S., NOT the U.S.A.

Department of State Document

I am including the link to an insightful statement as to the truth of what is and has been going on. This literally sets you up to volunteer into servitude, in a modern day version of the Feudal System.

In this document you will see the most completely honest statement you will ever see, read or hear from these feudal slavers. The reason they are telling the truth now is to set up the gigantic lie that follows. They used American Samoa to create a 3rd, totally new political status, a non-citizen national. To attain birthright citizenship, American Samoans have to naturalize. The original state citizen status is identified as a U.S. national. That status is hidden behind the non citizen national nomenclature. The American Samoan, non-citizen national status.

Here is the TRUTH from the Department of State document, 3rd paragraph: As defined by the INA, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals.

  1. Has anyone ever told you that you have a dual political status?
  2. Has anyone ever asked you, “Are you a U.S. national?” IF NOT, WHY?

Have you been asked leading questions with intentional incomplete choices? Incomplete because you did not understand what they were asking you!

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