Resource Hub

We are interested in sharing links with websites that will bring value to our subscribers and guests, such as anything related to living as a national. The Resource Hub is a new area where we will list your website with a link back. Visitors can browse all listings or easily search a topic and find your website. We are offering a full page in the Resource Hub where you can display a video, images, or just a brief explanation of your services, your logo, and a link.

Please use the form on this page to provide us information about your products and/or services that will be displayed in the Resource Hub.
Also, please review our Link Sharing Terms of Service located at the bottom of the form.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
If you don’t have a company, just leave this blank.
Terms of Service Agreement

National Status Info (NSI) an all volunteer, free membership, and educational website, and Linking Website (Link Partner) wish to provide links to each other’s web sites, according to the following terms and conditions:

  • Link Partner and NSI wish to cross-promote each other’s products and services via links to each other’s websites; and
  • NSI and Link Partner desire to establish a link that will allow users visiting NSI’s website to access the Link Partner website by clicking on Link Partner’s graphic/banner/text link to be displayed on the NSI website.
  • NSI and Link Partner desire to establish a link which will allow users visiting the Link Partner’s website to access the NSI website by clicking on NSI’s graphic/banner/text link to be displayed on the Link Partner website.

In consideration of the above recitals and mutual covenants set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions
  • “Clicking” shall mean to press down and release the computer mouse button, thereby selecting the on-screen object on which the user clicks.
  • “Link” is a text or graphic hyperlink to either party’s website, and in the absence of other direction shall be directed to the site homepage.
2. Obligations & Agreements
2.1 Creation of Links

NSI agrees to create a link between the NSI website and the homepage of the Link Partner’s website, allowing visitors to the NSI website to link directly to the Link Partner’s website by clicking on a replica of the Link Partner’s logo. Link Partner agrees to create a link between the Link Partner website and the homepage of NSI’s website, allowing visitors to the Link Partner’s website to link directly to NSI’s website by clicking on a replica of the Link Partner’s logo.

2.2 No Fees Charged

The parties acknowledge that the link between the NSI’s website and Link Partner’s website benefits both parties, and therefore, no referral fees will be charged by either party by virtue of the Link established pursuant to this Agreement.

2.3 Approval

The format and content of the link, including text and images, must be approved by the party whose logo is being reproduced prior to use by the other party.

3. Trademarks, Logos & Copyrights
3.1 Ownership

Except as expressly provided herein, no property, license, permission or interest of any kind in or to the use of any trademark, trade name, color combination, insignia or device, owned or used by a party is or intended to be given or transferred to or acquired by the other party by reason of this Agreement. Each party agrees that it shall in no way contest or deny the validity of, or the right or title of the other party in or to such trademark, trade name, color combination, insignia or device, by reason of this Agreement, and shall not encourage or assist others directly or indirectly to do so, during the lifetime of this Agreement and thereafter. In addition, neither party shall use any such trademark, trade name, color combination, insignia or device in any manner that would diminish its value or harm the reputation of the other party. Upon termination of this Agreement, any and all rights or privileges of each party to the use of the other party’s trademark, trade name, color combination, insignia or device will cease.

3.2 Limited License

For the term of this Agreement, and subject to terms of this Agreement, Link Partner hereby grants NSI a limited, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use Link Partner’s trademarks, logos, advertisements, and promotional copy on the NSI’s website.

For the term of this Agreement, and subject to the terms of this Agreement, NSI hereby grants to Link Partner a limited, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use NSI’s trademarks, logo, advertisements, and promotional copy on the Link Partner’s Website.

4. Advertising

Except as set forth in this Agreement, all advertising done by either party under this Agreement is subject to the other party’s then current standard terms and conditions for advertising.

5. Confidentiality

Both parties acknowledge that they may receive confidential information of the other party, including, but limited to, financial information, customer information, business plans, components of intellectual property, unique designs, methods of manufacturing or other technology (collectively the “Confidential Information”). The receiving party shall protect the disclosed Confidential Information with the same degree of care that it regularly uses to protect its own Confidential Information from unauthorized use or disclosure, but in no event less than a reasonable degree of care. Confidential Information shall not include any information which: (i) was in the possession of the receiving party at the time it was first disclosed by the disclosing party; (ii) was in the public domain at the time it was disclosed by the disclosing party; (iii) enters the public domain through sources independent of the receiving party and through no fault of the receiving party; (iv) is made available by the disclosing party to a third party on an unrestricted, non-confidential basis; (v) was lawfully obtained by the receiving party not known to be under an obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing party; or (vi) was at any time developed by the receiving party independently of any disclosure by disclosing party.

6. Warranties & Indemnities
6.1. No Representation Regarding Traffic

Except as set forth above, neither party makes any representation or warranty regarding the number of visits to its site or the number of visits to the other party’s site originating from the first party’s site, or any other matter relating to the value of the benefits received under this Agreement.

7. Termination

Either party may terminate this agreement immediately with written notice to the other party. Upon termination of the Agreement:
(a) NSI will remove the Link between the NSI Website and Link Partner’s Website; and,
(b) Link Partner will remove the link between the Link Partner’s website and the NSI website.

Please use the following logos, links and intro for a link back to National Status.

National Status Logos

If you’d like to add our logo with a link back to this website, please right click on the image and save a png version of our logo.

414 x 73 png
311 x 55 png
233 x 42 png

National Status Brief Intro

Let your voice be heard and your passion for freedom shine bright. Together, we can create a better tomorrow for all free Americans. Join the National Status community today and be a part of the conversation. Share your thoughts, connect with others who share your values, and stand strong in defense of our cherished freedoms. Together, we are unstoppable.

National Status Links

The following links can be used to reach the homepage of the website. If you’d like to link to a specific page within the website, navigate to that page and highlight and copy the URL at the top of the page.