Listen to the Radio Ranch Live with Roger Sayles
Monday through Saturday, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. EST

The Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles educates in legal history, the difference between national status and 14th Amendment citizenship, and how to escape the matrix. The programs are enjoyable, informative, and educational.


Disclaimer: The statements and commentary expressed on this show are not necessarily the opinions of the owners of this website, and the information provided should be used by the listeners at their own discretion. Also, please be aware that Mondays and Fridays are not dedicated solely to national status information.

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I have come to understand that America is ‘not’ simply a line on a map. The true “America” is a set of ideals, concepts, and principles we have long since lost or been obscured from us. Maybe by absorbing and understanding the information that is presented on The Radio Ranch, I can enable you to recapture those elements that made “America” the great ‘land of opportunity and freedom’, as opposed to what it has become, the land of ‘political deception and freedom suppression’. Remember, America was ‘only’ the 2nd country in the entire history of the world to truly possess God-given natural rights!

~ Roger Sayles

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