Throughout our adult lives, we have frequently encountered two crucial questions. It is likely that you have consistently responded affirmatively to these inquiries without fully understanding their implications.

“Are you a citizen of the United States?”
“Are you a resident?”

If these questions had been articulated differently, would your response have remained the same? It is important to note that these questions do not pertain to jurisdictional matters; rather, they have been inherent since birth.

I would like to rephrase these two questions in a manner that aligns with a legal context rather than a colloquial one.

“Are you a citizen of the United States?”

What they are actually asking you is, “Do you agree to be under the inherent servitude of federal citizenship?

“Are you a resident?”

What they are actually asking you is, “Are you residing in a state requesting protection from the federal government against any actions of your state?

In accordance with the 13th Amendment, voluntary servitude is legally permissible through omission. By affirmatively responding to those inquiries, you have effectively granted consent to the federal government. Your consent is a fundamental requirement for the administrative government of the United States to exert control over various facets of your existence. Consider whether there are any activities you can undertake without first obtaining a license, permit, or authorization.

Consider the benefits of rectifying your political status to that of a national. By doing so, you can liberate yourself from the corporate structure and dependency on the United States (not the United States of America). This will enable you to terminate the contractual obligations that currently govern and restrict your freedom.

There are actually 4 political statuses:
  • Citizen of the United States: This is a federal citizenship status created by the 14th Amendment and owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
  • National: This is an American state citizenship status that existed before the 14th Amendment and the Civil War. It still exists today and is available for all Americans at their choosing. Volunteer out with a simple affidavit.
  • Non-Citizen National: These are individuals from the outlying possessions of Samoa and the Swain Islands.
  • Resident: These are persons admitted to the United States as immigrants and will live in the United States permanently.

It is important to understand that as a U.S. citizen, you have the option to choose your status. You can elect to become a national and enjoy freedom, or remain a 14th Amendment federal citizen and maintain a state of servitude. The process to become a national is straightforward. Your freedom is within your reach. Discover how to voluntarily transition out of servitude and embrace freedom, with only the cost of postage required. This movement is dedicated to empowering individuals to make informed choices about their citizenship status.


The Learning Center is a central location for more information about the history and concepts behind the National Movement.