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National Status Forum

AbatementLast post
Abatement General TopicsOpen discussions about the abatement process.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Abatement FAQsAsk your questions in this forum.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Plea Deal · 1 month ago · Admin
Affidavit of Citizenship EvidenceLast post
Affidavit General TopicsOpen discussions about the Affidavit of Citizenship Evidence2 Topics · 7 PostsLast post: Birth Certificate · 5 months ago · Admin
Affidavit FAQsFind answers to the most asked questions.3 Topics · 9 PostsLast post: Military Benefits · 6 months ago · Admin
Articles, Documentaries, PodcastsLast post
GovernmentLast post
Government General TopicsOpen discussions about Government.3 Topics · 12 PostsLast post: The anti government handbook · 3 months ago · George
Laws, Codes, RegulationsOpen discussions about Laws, Codes, Regulations.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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U.S. vs U.S.A.Open discussions about U.S. vs U.S.A.1 Topic · 6 PostsLast post: What no topics yet · 6 months ago · Jon In Missouri
Local GovernmentOpen discussions about Local Government.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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The Feudal SystemOpen discussions about the Feudal System1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Definition · 5 months ago · Admin
Internal Revenue ServiceLast post
IRS General TopicsOpen discussions about IRS.3 Topics · 12 PostsLast post: Code 26 Section 871(b) · 3 months ago · Admin
W-4V FormAll about completing and how to use this form.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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W-8BENAll about completing and how to use this form.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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IRS FAQsFind answers to the most asked questions.2 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: 2801C IRS Letter · 3 months ago · David
NoticesLast post
Notices General TopicsOpen discussions about Notices.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Notices FAQsFind answers to the most asked questions.1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: Time · 1 year ago · Admin
PassportsLast post
Passports General TopicsOpen discussions about Passports1 Topic · 4 PostsLast post: Old revoked passport · 4 months ago · Admin
DS-11All about completing this form.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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DS-82All about completing this form.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Passport FAQsThe most frequently asked questions about passports.3 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: Passport difference · 1 year ago · Anita
Patriot MythologyLast post
Patriot MythologyDiscussions about patriot myths.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: What's Your Opinion · 3 months ago · George
TravelingLast post
Traveling General TopicsThis is an open forum to discuss the topic of "Traveling" as a national. This would include experiences folks have had with law enforcement or agencies that relate to traveling and suggestions of how to handle these situations.1 Topic · 3 PostsLast post: My experience with the Calif Highw … · 1 year ago · Augustus
Traveling FAQsThe most frequently asked questions about traveling as a national.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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VotingLast post
Voting General TopicsOpen discussions about voting as a national.2 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: David's Voting Experience · 2 months ago · George
TestimonialsLast post
Tell us your storyTell us about your journey to freedom and where you are in the process of correcting your status.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: My story · 10 months ago · Jon In Missouri
Just for FunLast post
Heard any funny jokes latelyWe could all use a good laugh. It is the best medicine, so they say.2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Which side of the fence are you on … · 7 months ago · Admin
MatrixOpen discussions about truth.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Exit the Matrix · 3 months ago · George
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